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Project Management

Our key project management disciplines are classified in the following five phases and their inputs:


Project Initiation


- Developing project charter

- Identifying stakeholders

- Defining initial project objectives and scope

- Preparing preliminary project timeline

- Determining preliminary project costs

- Identifying source of project funding


Project Planning


- Developing project management plan

- Reviewing goals and objectives

- Estimating activity duration

- Developing risk management plan

- Allocating overall cost budget to individual resources

- Finalize project plan


Project Execution


- Performing the tasks and activities from the plan 

- Evaluating overall performance to ensure quality standards are being met

- Distributing project information to stakeholders in a timely manner

- Obtaining quotes, bids and offers, or proposals as needed

- Selecting potential partners and outsource vendors (Seller)

- Managing the relationship with the seller


Project Monitoring and Controlling


- Identifying, reviewing, approving and monitoring proposed changes across the entire project scope

- Monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards

- Monitoring and controlling project risks


Project Close Out


- Closeout all contracts

- Generating, gathering, and disseminating all information to formalize project completion

- Creating file system for all project documentation

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